
For many years, Barbadians have used education as a stairway to success and worn educational pursuits and achievements as fitting badges of honor.

For BHL, our investment in education serves as a reflection of our interest in and support of Barbados. Furthermore, a solid investment in education also secures the future of Barbados as today’s students serve to be tomorrow's leaders.

In conjunction with the category of 'People', this segment has the greatest number of recipients as it certainly deserves the greatest financial injection.


The BCC/BHL Calendar Programme:

In partnership with the Barbados Community College’s PomMarine Institute, the BCC/BHL Calendar Project seeks to give recognition to the Institute’s culinary students by inviting them to create masterpieces with BHL’s beverages. Their work is then featured in attractive wall and desk calendars which are circlated to various stakeholders islandwide.

BHL/PINEHILL School Adoption Programme:

Students of Vauxhall Primary enjoying the comfort of one of the benches

In a collaborative effort, BHL and our subsidiary PINEHILL have solidified our commitment to the island’s educational system through the BHL/PINEHILL School Adoption Programme, specifically for schools within the catchment areas of BHL and the PINEHILL. The initiative has seen Grantley Prescod Primary School, Vauxhall Primary and secondary schools the Christ Church Foundation and Parkinson Memorial benefit from the donation of park benches in each of the schools' colors as well as refuse receptacles emblazoned with the slogan: "Let's keep our school Litter Free."


Grantley Prescod Memorial Primary School Christ Church Foundation Secondary School Vauxhall Primary School

Operation Triple Threat (OTT):

Some of the cast of The Wiz  2015

Operation Triple Threat (OTT) is a developmental performing Arts programme for students between the ages 7 and 21. With a dedication to superior training of musicians and aspiring thespians, the idea for the programme was inspired by the noticable need for the training of youth to become, a ‘triple threat’ – someone who is skilled in each of the three disciplines of singing, dancing and acting. O.T.T aims to offer an intensive programme for young performing artists, which enables them to excel and compete at internationally recognized standards, potentially fostering future arts pratctitioners and offering the Barbadian public the option of experiencing musical theatre entertainment on a regular basis. Funding for this organisation will ensure that Arts in Barbados will continue to develop.